Monday, May 12, 2008


Between Mini Mama/John & Sara/Chris's cameras there were more than 1,300 pictures to sort through! Amazingly enough we've managed to go through them all in just the past few days and we've narrowed it down to just under 500.

They are all up on Sara's Flickr. You can go through them quickly just for the beauty of it by viewing them as a slide show here, or you can look at them each with their title and notes here if you want all the fun details - it's your call.

We also put up some videos which you can view here on YouTube.

Now we're working on gathering some of the tips we learned and some of the more detailed stories. We plan to document them all here so that we will have them and that also means you can take a peak too! But for the most part, the fun piece of this blog is done and we're really glad you joined us.

Don't forget to keep up with Sara & Chris on their respective sites.

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