Mini Mama sunbathing on a marble slab.
Hanging out at the Kouros below.
After the Kouros we drove the crazy hair pin turns and switch backed roads around the mountains. We found a small church who's parking lot we could use to get a view of both sides of the island at the same time. We could also hear the animals being hearded.We got some video of it which we hope came out because it was a very cool sound especially with the echo. Below are some of the goats.
My arch nemisis followed us to Greece! See?
We found out about two days into the trip that you aren't supposed to put anything in the toilet. At first we thought they meant odd things, or large things, but no - even toilet paper can cause a clog. This picture illustrates very nicely.
After the Kouros and the view we stopped for some food and had another picinic lunch along the side of the road, using the hood of the rental car as our table. Then we started hunting for an illusive distillery which we eventually found to be closed. From there it was on to the Temple of Demitrius - see below.

We had some trouble with the rental but after sorting that out we had a nice dinner at Apostilios where John had a lamb stew he couldn't stop raving about. Then it was to the Waffle House for desert.
Tomorrow we are off to the ferry and it's back to Pireius and Athens. We hope to see the Acropollis before we hit the sack so the MU can get an early start on Tuesday to head back to Seattle.
love the updates!
Nothing in the toilets...Old lady named Mama who washes clothes...Temple of Demitrius...Kuoros...and Waffle House?? Like the American chain? Where did THAT come from?
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